ESSENTIAL : AO Pro + Chelated Mineral
- Untuk melawan kerosakan yg disebabkan radikal bebas
- Mengandungi 12 vitamin clan 10 kofaktor
- Membekalkan Beta Carotin, pro vitamin A. Perlu untuk sistem pertahanan badan dan mata
- Membekalkan Vitamin C setinggi 550%DV daam bentuk mineral askobit yang boleh bertahan lama dalam badan
- Antioksidan yang paling penting untuk badan manusia
- Kajian menunjukkan Vitamin E dapat mengurangkan 75% serangan jantung dan mengurangkan strok
- Berfungsi sebagai melawan kerosakan yang dibawa oleh radikal bebas dengan jumlah mineral penting yang seimbang.
- Membekalkan mineral asas (zink, kalsium, magnesium, iodine, koper dan manganese) penting untuk pemeliharan fungsi metabolisme dan sistem imun yang optima
- Membekalkan 70%DV Chromium la berkerjasama dengan Insulin untuk membawa gula ke dalam sel. Denagan ini dapat mengawal kencing man’s. juga membantu mghasilkan tenaga Membekalkan 50%DV Selinium. Sebagai antioksidan yang dapat membantu mencegah penyakit jantung dan kanser
- Silikon dpt membantu menguatkan tulang dan mencegah osteoprosis
- Vanadium penting untuk penyakit kencing manis. Ia menjadikan insulin sensitive dengan perubahan glukos dalam darah
- Gabungan semua optimizer vitamin ( Multi vitamin )
- Menjadi Asas kepada pemakanan Nutrisi harian
- ASAS utama dalam membantu dari semua penyakit kronik (Jantung, Kanser, Kencing Manis, Osteoporosis, Darah Tinggi, Migrain dan lain2 )
*pemahaman semua organ dalam badan mendapat nutrisi lengkap dan bertindak menjadi lebih kualiti lantas memberikan kesan pemulihan.
Usana Range of Products
Why Usana Essentials?
1. provide a broad range of essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other micro nutrients to maintain long-term health and well-being.
2. increase the immunizations cells
3. lower the cholesterol
4. balance the blood pressure
5. control the content of sugar in the body
6. reduce the risk of cancer, strok and heart attack7. remove toxic
8. good for those who has asthma
9. fix the damage cell
2. increase the immunizations cells
3. lower the cholesterol
4. balance the blood pressure
5. control the content of sugar in the body
6. reduce the risk of cancer, strok and heart attack7. remove toxic
8. good for those who has asthma
9. fix the damage cell
It's combination of 2 great products which packaged as one which are:
- AO PRO, a comprehensive formula of vitamins, antioxidants, and other important nutrients that every adult needs every day for efficient cellular metabolism and to counteract the damaging effects of free radicals.
- CHELATED MINERAL, a full-spectrum blend of essential minerals and trace elements in a balanced, highly bioavailable formulation. When taken together with AO PRO, these supplements complete the nutritional foundation for every adult.
:: We also need an Optimizers !!
1. help to reduce hair falls
2. nourish the uterus, able to heals uterus tumors
3. fixing the damage cells
4. neuralizing free radicals
5. good for skin supplement ( to prevent pigmentation and pimples)
6. strengthen your heart
* Note: not suitable for pregnant women
2. nourish the uterus, able to heals uterus tumors
3. fixing the damage cells
4. neuralizing free radicals
5. good for skin supplement ( to prevent pigmentation and pimples)
6. strengthen your heart
* Note: not suitable for pregnant women
BiOmega 3+
Containing EPA and DHA to support health, promote optimal growth and development
1. reduce the tendon strength
2. good for skin supplement
3. anti flamation
4. lower the risk of having strok
5. increase the good fat (HDL) and reduce the bad fat (LDL)
6. smoothen the blood circulation
7. contains EPA and DHA which is good for memory
8. suitable for pregant women and nursing mama
9. reduce stress
1. Build immune to disease
2. Antioxidant (important in the waterlogged body,
plasma and help cells that have been damaged as a result of free radicals)
3. Formation of collagen (cartilage, muscle & refine skin)
4. important for wound healing
5. improving delivery of calcium and serum
*Note: can be used by patients because gastric PolyC present in minerals form askorbat
Active Calcium Plus
1. reduce the tendon strength
2. good for skin supplement
3. anti flamation
4. lower the risk of having strok
5. increase the good fat (HDL) and reduce the bad fat (LDL)
6. smoothen the blood circulation
7. contains EPA and DHA which is good for memory
8. suitable for pregant women and nursing mama
9. reduce stress
1. Build immune to disease
2. Antioxidant (important in the waterlogged body,
plasma and help cells that have been damaged as a result of free radicals)
3. Formation of collagen (cartilage, muscle & refine skin)
4. important for wound healing
5. improving delivery of calcium and serum
*Note: can be used by patients because gastric PolyC present in minerals form askorbat
1. Strengthens bones and teeth
2. Helps relieve pain nerves
3. Magnesium as amino acids and carbohydrate metabolism
4. Reduce the problem bellow
5.Enzyme catalyst
6.Help activate problem with coral calcium saturated (stones) and release it through the excretory system
** Not just calcium but also provide increased capacity for calcium absorption cell (vitamin D3).This great product for
1. A formulation to help maintain good health
2. Contains lutein, an antioxidant that appears to reduce harmful free radicals in various parts of the body
3. Mineral called Lutein Anti-oxidants can lead to blood vessels in the most delicate organs of the human eye
2. Helps relieve pain nerves
3. Magnesium as amino acids and carbohydrate metabolism
4. Reduce the problem bellow
5.Enzyme catalyst
6.Help activate problem with coral calcium saturated (stones) and release it through the excretory system
** Not just calcium but also provide increased capacity for calcium absorption cell (vitamin D3).This great product for
1. A formulation to help maintain good health
2. Contains lutein, an antioxidant that appears to reduce harmful free radicals in various parts of the body
3. Mineral called Lutein Anti-oxidants can lead to blood vessels in the most delicate organs of the human eye
2.Helps to reduce problems associated with JOINT (synovial fluid form) eg osteoarthritis
*Note: recommended to take with active calcium plus
2. Help slowing down the menopous process
3.Good for intercourse
4.Reduce the risk of having cronic cancer
5.Maintaining a healthy heart, blood pressure and the level of good cholesterol
6.Coenzyme Q10 provides 10 times more to the heart
7.Coenzyme Q10 is an important energy provider to the heart.
** Consumer aged 40 and above are encouraged to take coquinone because the decreasing production of Coenzyme Q10 in the body
Kandungan :
Formula antioksidan berdasarkan kombinasi sinergi antara biji anggur bioflavonoids dan POLY C
(Calcium – Potassium – Magnesium – Zinc 100mg, Grape seed 30mg & Abscorbyl Palmiate 12mg)
Kegunaannya :
1) Memperbaiki sel-sel didalam badan
2) Menghasilkan dan mengantikan sel-sel yang rosak di dalam badan.
3) Baik untuk kesihatan jantung
4) Melawan radikal-radikal bebas.
5) Meneutralkan radikal-radikal bebas yang terdapat di dalam badan kita.
6) Membekalkan antioksidan yang tinggi.
7) Melindungi dan memelihara kita daripada agen pengoksidaan.
8) Membekalkan peralatan paling penting untuk memelihara kesihatan badan.
9) Menghalang Premature Ageing ( proses penuaan tidak matang).
10) Mempercepatkan keberkesanan tindakbalas dengan ESSENTIAL
Penyakit :
Penyakit Alahan, Penyakit Jantung ‘Strok’, Penyakit Tulang Belakang, Sendi, Gout, Kanser, Penyakit Lemah Otot Jantung, Penyakit Kencing Manis, Sawan, Penyakit Hati, Penyakit Lumpuh Saraf, Tekanan Darah Tirggi, Penyakit Mata, Kanser Tulang, Penyakit Saraf
Active Calcium
Kandungan :
Active Calcium Plus bukanlah semata-mata penambah kalsium sahaja. Ia merupakan factor yang utama untuk memelihara tulang dan membekalkan dos yang optimum dalam bentuk bioavaiability.
Kalsium, Magnesium, Silicon & Vitamin D (Vit D3 100IU, Cal Citrate & Carbonate 200mg, Magnesium 100mg, Silicon 2.25mg)
Kegunaannya :
1) Pembentukan gigi tulang yang kuat.
2) Degupan jantung yang sekata
3) Pencegahan kanser usus.
4) Menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
5) Membantu pembentukan gigi & tulang.
6) Sakit urat lenguh badan dan lesu.
7) Kerap bekerja keras dan bersukan.
Mempunyi kerja yang memerlukan daya fizikal yang kuat.
9) Sesuai kepada atlit-atlit dan kuat bersukan.
10) Sesuai kepada yang berumur.
Penyakit :
Penyakit Alahan, Penyakit Jantung, Strok, Penyakit Tulang Belakang, Sendi dan Gout, Kanser, Penyakit Lemah Otot Jantung, Penyakit Kencing Manis, Sawan, Penyakit Hati, Penyakit Lumpuh Saraf, Tekanan Darah Tinggi, Penyakit Mata
Digestive Enzyme
Digestive EnzymeSupport your body's natural detoxification process
Ini produk hebat untuk hanya RM155/PAC
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